"Invest In The City"



McCauley Wilson & Butterfield



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What Type of Home Do You Need?

Before you begin your actual search, one of the first things you need to decide is what type of home you are looking for. The first step is to create a house wish list. Begin with the musts. After you have considered your priorities, add any extras that you would like to have in a home, but are not mandatory for you.

First, consider what type of home is best for your current needs - house, bungalow, or flat? How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need now and how many will you need later? Is there any particular style of home you favor? Is a particular type of kitchen important to you? Do you want a large yard, a multiple car garage, or do you require extra storage space for your hobby needs? Do you want an older home or new home? Keep in mind that newer homes offer rooms reflective of today's lifestyles and are more likely to have access to current communications technology.



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2190 Bush Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Work : 415-346-6300 Fax : 415-346-2405 Email: contact@sfhomes.com